Originally known simply as “Peak XV,” Mount Everest, at 29,035 feet, offers views from the highest point on earth. In this blog, our leadership team brings you up-to-date and relevant perspectives on industry happenings, what’s in the media and executive insights. Read on, and enjoy the view from the top.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

IM n TLH 4 u

One of my younger sisters (both of us "middle-aged") recently observed me texting on my Blackberry, "you text?" she asked. I surprised her immediately sending the SMS "4 sure" to her cell. My sister thought you only text if you are under the age of 30. This old dog is always looking to learn new technology tricks; then I realized that texting is not new at all.

If Samuel Morse, inventor of Morse Code, was alive today he might think we were all late adopters. Morse was sending short immediate wireless messages to target audiences in the 1840's.

Morse code, leet, orthography, SMS or IM - the quickest delivery of your message in accessible media to target audiences produces optimal results. During the recent fires in Southern California, text messaging was used to broadcast warnings to residents; thereby averting loss of lives. This use of texting gives new meaning to your message spreading like wildfire – maybe it’s time to txt msg. gtg ttyl