- Start work on a potential crisis before it becomes public. Plan out key messages, identify a spokesperson, and implement steps to resolve the situation. Refer to your pre-approved crisis plan.
- Speak in plain English. Make sure people understand your message; avoid industry-specific jargon that can confuse the general population.
- Convey your sympathy. While addressing key issues, be sure to let the audience know you understand the feelings of the parties involved.
- Keep everyone informed. The media, the general public, stakeholders, neighbors., etc. Update every target audience regularly with what you know, what you don’t know, and what you’re doing.
What to say…
- When asked a high-emotion question, respond with Compassion, Conviction and Optimism.
- When asked a “what if” question, repeat the question, state the actual situation, and state what you know factually.
- The triple positive: When breaking adverse news or stating a negative, balance the bad news with at least three more positive, constructive or solution-oriented messages.